Baby Bottle Campaign
When you give to our Baby Bottle Campaign, you are providing hope, encouragement and education so women and men can journey from panicked to prepared; from considering abortion to confident parents and thriving families.
Your Support Changes Everything!
Will you give to our Baby Bottle Campaign today?
It’s easy….just scan the QR code below. Your support ensures Informed Choices staff of volunteers will be here for all the families who need us in that critical moment they face an unintended pregnancy.
When she feels like abortion is her only option, our ministry provides someone she can talk to without judgement or pressure. Providing a free pregnancy test, ultrasound, and information about all her options combined with Christ-like compassion encourages her to choose life for her baby.
He didn’t know what to do when she said she might be pregnant. But he came with her for the appointment and his opinion matters. When he is there for the ultrasound, she is 10% more likely to carry their baby. He can be a good dad with education, encouragement & a male mentor.
When their daughter told them she was pregnant, they were shocked and disappointed. But today, their granddaughter brings so much joy they can’t imagine life without her.
My parents felt prepared to care for me after taking parenting classes at Informed Choices. And they earned points for things I need like diapers and a crib!