Your support brings transformation to the lives of women, men, babies and students in Lake & McHenry counties!
Every day in our counties, women facing unplanned pregnancy can go straight to Planned Parenthood or just a few miles away to Informed Choices, where they will receive compassionate, life-affirming care free of charge.
When you donate to Informed Choices, you are providing hope, encouragement and education so women and men can journey from panicked to prepared; from considering abortion to confident parents and thriving families.
Since 1986, our partners have helped thousands of women who initially came to our centers considering abortion choose life for their babies. In fact, 80% of parents originally considering abortion chose life for their babies after seeing them on an ultrasound!
As an Informed Choices donor, you help offer women and men:
- Complete, truthful information about all her pregnancy options
- A free pregnancy test and ultrasound
- Parenting classes and ongoing support, education and mentoring
- Material resources such as clothing, formula, diapers and cribs
You gift today ensures Informed Choices staff will be here in that critical moment a woman finds herself facing an unplanned pregnancy. To take the take time to listen and learn about her unique situation, without judgement or pressure. To speak hope into her circumstance, help her identify her strengths and see possibility. To encourage her to look at her situation with the future in mind and carefully weigh this decision that will forever change her life. To point her to God, pray with her, and walk with her through this journey.
“They were there for me when no one else was, providing actual genuine support in so many ways. What you’re doing is real, you’re saving lives and helping girls like me when there is no one else who can or will.” —Bridgett
Does Your Employer Have A Matching Gifts Program?
Double the impact of your personal contribution to Informed Choices by learning if your employer matches charitable giving.
Tri-County Crisis Pregnancy DBA Informed Choices Tax ID #36-3523988
Become a Monthly FRIEND FOR LIFE partner
Please consider joining our faithful Friends for Life by becoming a monthly donor. Your regular support sustains the weekly operation of our Centers that perform the front-line work of our ministry. Simply select the recurring payment option on the donation form below.
Your Gifts make a Difference
$75 – New car seat so an expectant mom can bring her baby home safely
$280 – Ultrasound for a woman considering abortion
$770 – One year of Bright Course Parenting Education
$1,440 – One week of Healthy Choices Program